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GSMChat Recap: Staying Relevant on #SocialMedia When People Have Tuned Out

Sep 04, 2020

Hello? Is anyone there? When people aren’t listening to social messages anymore, how do you even begin breaking through? Let’s explore & get each other great advice in this week’s Government Social Media Chat, “Staying Relevant on #SocialMedia When People Have Tuned Out.”

It’s great to see everyone again! Before we get started, an important Social for Safety Conference announcement:

And, now, let’s get going with the first question on GSMChat! For months, COVID-19 announcements have dominated many government social media accounts. What’s your engagement like on these posts now? Are there still posts that get interaction? Here’s what your fellow peers said:

Some great points! Everyone is used to seeing similar messaging over and over (and over) again. What are some ideas you have to break through, be different and get eyeballs on your content?

What your peers said it comes down to? Don’t be afraid to step out of the norm. Here are some ideas how:

With daily operations still impacted by COVID, what are some ways you’ve found to stay relevant to your audience? Expert advice coming right up!

Do you feel like there’s a void in posting since your usual docket of posts might still be upside down from the pandemic? Here’s what socialgov had to say about that:

Last question of the day on GSMChat! Let’s hear what the socialgov community has to say about this…

Thanks for joining us today!

We appreciate the socialgov community supporting each other, sharing tips & helpful resources! For a full recap of the September 3, 2020, Government Social Media Chat, you can read through the whole chat on Wakelet.

Government Social Media Chat is your chance to get advice and ideas from your government social media peers across the U.S. We e-meet on Twitter bi-weekly to unpack social media issues specific to the socialgov community, share thoughts through guided questions and destress together. Search “#GSMChat” on Twitter every other Thursday to join in.

Best communicate with the public you serve by becoming a part of the free Government Social Media network — only available to full/part-time employees of government or educational institutions. Get access to socialgov-specific resources, like the COVID-19 SocialGov Hub group, and other organized content. Virtually collaborate with each other, share advice, get input, tips & more by joining the Government Social Media network today. 


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