This struggle is felt by many social media professionals

Dec 13, 2021

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What struggle edged out figuring out how to measure social media ROI as the top challenge faced by government agencies when it comes to social media? According to Hootsuite’s 2021 survey report, the top challenge reported was a “lack of human resources to manage the program.”  

Having a trained government communicator at the helm can make the difference between a successful social media presence and one that buckles under the overwhelm. The thing is, handling government social media is a big responsibility for agency employees, with many opportunities for unintended missteps and challenges along the way. Here’s where learning from others is a smart approach. 

Hootsuite asked nearly 300 public sector professionals how they were feeling about handling social media, including the top challenges they face, and compiled it into a report along with advice for proactively managing your social media program.  

Download the report to discover four guidelines for making social media more manageable, and learn how similar agencies are evolving to overcome these challenges.


Best communicate with the public you serve by becoming a part of the free Government Social Media network — only available to full/part-time employees of government or educational institutions. 

We support the largest network of government social media professionals in the U.S. by guiding government agencies through complex social media issues. Government Social Media helps you successfully communicate with the public you serve, protect your agency and keep public trust while finding your support community. 


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