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Council election results are in! Meet the GSM Membership Council

Aug 29, 2023

Congratulations to the newest additions to the Government Social Media professional association Membership Council!

Following a nomination period and an extremely tight race in multiple regions, we're thrilled to introduce you to the candidates who received the most votes in each region:

  • Southeast: Mikayla Moskov
  • Southwest: Frances La Rue
  • West: Zack Seipert

Learn more about each of the newly elected and returning representatives!

Frances, Mikayla and Zack, along with returning council members Marie Tweedy (Northwest region), Katie Grant (Midwest region) and Andrew Belanger (Northeast region), are elected volunteer advisors who represent professional association members in each region across the United States. They support the strategic direction of the association, keep open communication with regional members and serve as committee co-chairs to support their fellow socialgovs. 

Outgoing council members Kristen Waggener, Chelsea Sawyer and Mamiko Carroll are now ending their terms and service to the association, and we thank each of them for their time, expertise and dedication for serving on the GSM Membership Council. 

What is the GSM professional association? It’s the most economical professional association you’ll find specific to your unique field (with dues at only $79/year) for public sector social media professionals in the U.S.! If you’re not already one of the hundreds of members, it’s a place to genuinely connect with other socialgovs actively employed full/part-time by a local, state, regional or federal agency, academics or as an elected or appointed official. 

We focus on providing socialgov-specific resources to solve pain points we hear from government social media professionals, getting socialgovs connected together and promoting best standards for not only your own professional development, but also the growth of the entire socialgov field. Here’s a snapshot of what joining the professional association means to you:

  • Monthly webinar trainings on topics including the latest socialgov-related news, podcasting, platform specifics, First Amendment and more;
  • Be part of your regional group, led by your Membership Council representative and participate in quarterly regional virtual meetups;
  • Access to a membership directory to search, message and connect with each other;
  • Opportunity to get involved through various committees that directly benefit the community you love;
  • Member-only perks at the Government Social Media Conference including a member-only professional association business meeting, member badge flag and complimentary headshots!

Joining the professional association unlocks a support system for this niche field, while getting you monthly training and opportunities to engage and connect with each other. 

We’ll see you in the association!

Best communicate with the public you serve and get connected with fellow socialgovs by registering for the 2024 Government Social Media Conference happening in Palm Springs, California or virtually from wherever you are! Join our free network for bi-weekly Government Social Media Chats or professional association for member-only webinars. Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest updates on training, events and more.

We support the largest network of government social media professionals in the U.S. by guiding government agencies through complex social media issues. Government Social Media helps you successfully communicate with the public you serve, protect your agency and keep public trust while finding your support community.


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