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Introducing new SocialGov Masterclass series starting January

Nov 16, 2020

What if you could learn the BEST solutions to your top social media challenges - in just one day? 

Get in on the first of a brand new virtual training, SocialGov Masterclass: Solutions for Teams of One, happening Wednesday, January 13, 2021. Registration is now open for this one-day topical training to get you solutions to this major challenge.

We’ve heard from the socialgov community and with the ongoing pandemic, national & local crises, and so much more, your already tough position is getting significantly more difficult, especially for teams of one. In this January class, you’ll learn:

  • Automation & workflow timesavers
  • How to best dig out of the mound of work
  • Where to get help when you can't hire
  • Mindset strategies on prioritizing, saying No and how to discuss being understaffed

What’s your advice for a team of one? We’re crowdsourcing the best strategies from our community! Get involved by sharing your best tip or strategy on any of those topics for a chance to be featured in the masterclass (our crowdsourcing form closes after January 8.)

Don’t wait – register for the SocialGov Masterclass today!

Best communicate with the public you serve by becoming a part of the free Government Social Media network — only available to full/part-time employees of government or educational institutions. Get access to socialgov-specific resources, like the COVID-19 SocialGov Hub group, and other organized content. Virtually collaborate with each other, share advice, get input, tips & more by joining the Government Social Media network today. 

We support the largest network of government social media professionals in the U.S. by guiding government agencies through complex social media issues. Government Social Media helps you successfully communicate with the public you serve, protect your agency and keep public trust while finding your support community. 

Interested in submitting a blog for your socialgov community? Just reach out to Sarah with your topic idea!


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