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Reels pro tips & more: August 2023 socialgov training

Aug 02, 2023

Reel-y up your short-form video game, fine tune your customer service strategy and much more with these socialgov-specific trainings happening in August 2023! 

These upcoming completely virtual government social media events are specific to public service communicators. Join live from wherever you are to collaborate together during GSMChat in the free GSM network or become a member of the GSM professional association to be part of monthly webinars

Did you hear the news? Registration is now open for the 2024 Government Social Media Conference happening in Palm Springs, CA! Save the most by registering during our special “Super Early-Bird” discount! Prices increase for all tickets after August 31, 2023.  

Government Social Media Chat

Happening every other Thursday since 2015, Government Social Media Chat (GSMChat) is a place for government social media professionals to discuss and share ideas with each other on different topics in a text-only chat. Recaps are available for most chats, too! 

Register & RSVP to attend chats in the free GSM network. 

10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET, Thursday, August 3, 2023: PSAs That Connect Online & Offline
You’ve been tasked with producing a Public Service Announcement (PSA) for your agency’s social media accounts – now what? If limited time and resources are included in your biggest pain points as a socialgov, then it’s even more crucial to ensure that you’re investing your efforts wisely and in a way that truly connects with your various audiences across all platforms. 

Join us on Thursday, August 3, 2023 to share tips and strategies for producing unique PSAs that stand out and demand attention on popular social media platforms and encourage not only engagement online, but IRL results too. Attend this chat in the free GSM network.

10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET, Thursday, August 17, 2023: Customer Service Strategy for Gov’t Social Media Pros
While customer service is likely not part of your official title as a government social media professional, it can be an indispensable part of your social media strategy. But, how can you provide excellent service if you’re faced with limited staff, overwhelming workloads or potentially negative interactions? 

Join us on Thursday, August 17, 2023 to tackle these issues, turn negative interactions into positive outcomes and work towards solutions that can help both you and the communities you serve. RSVP now.

10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET, Thursday, August 31, 2023: Creator vs. Business Accounts for Gov’t Social Media
Do you use creator or business accounts for your agency’s social media? Options are limited for government agencies, and there’s often confusion about the benefits or drawbacks of each. Could you face ramifications for switching account types? How do you know what’s best for your agency? 

Join us on Thursday, August 31, 2023 as we explore the unique challenges and opportunities each type of account presents on popular social networks, and how they can be leveraged to effectively engage with audiences and achieve your organization's goals. RSVP now.

Live association webinars: Reels & platform updates

Each month in the GSM professional association, members get access to at least one live webinar on the latest social media updates (with replays often available!). Our association is one of the most economical memberships at only $79/year where members get online resources, regional groups and more. 

Not a member yet? Complete the application form & start viewing the member-only content today!

10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET, Tuesday, August 8: Reels Pro Tips for Government Accounts

Ready to reel-y up your short-form video game on Instagram? Join Angie Ramirez, Reels expert, Golden Post Awards winner & Communications Strategist for the City of Tampa, to learn how to create engaging and captivating video content for your government account.

We’ll take a deep dive into how socialgovs can use Reels to:

  • Create compelling content
  • Track trends and translate for government
  • Maximize engagement with your community

Plus, get tips on best practices to get leadership on board, using Reels to inspire action and creating genuine connection with your followers. Bring your Reels questions for an open Q&A after the presentation!

RSVP & register to this member-only live webinar.

Bonus! Free downloads & other resources

Grab these free downloads and resources specific to socialgovs: 

Best communicate with the public you serve and get connected with fellow socialgovs by registering for the 2024 Government Social Media Conference happening in Palm Springs, California! Join our free network for bi-weekly Government Social Media Chats or professional association for member-only webinars. Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest updates on training, events and more.

We support the largest network of government social media professionals in the U.S. by guiding government agencies through complex social media issues. Government Social Media helps you successfully communicate with the public you serve, protect your agency and keep public trust while finding your support community. 


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