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Tip search! How to share your best advice for teams of one.

Nov 30, 2020

What’s your advice for teams of one?

We’re crowdsourcing the best advice for social media teams of one (and very small teams), and would love to hear yours! Got a great tip or strategy? Please share it by heading to our SocialGov Masterclass page and your advice might be featured in this deep-dive discussion on solutions for teams of one.

The SocialGov Masterclass is a single-day, deep-dive online training to get government social media professionals just like you solutions to specific challenges you might be facing right now. Led by experts, leaders & your peers, our goal is to get you practical, applicable resources, tips & tools to best help you, and all in one day.

Have you reserved your spot yet for SocialGov Masterclass: Solutions for Teams of One? If you’re a team of one or part of a small team, make sure to sign up now for Wednesday, January, 13, 2021, so you’re guaranteed a spot. Here’s how to register.

Best communicate with the public you serve by becoming a part of the free Government Social Media network — only available to full/part-time employees of government or educational institutions. Virtually collaborate with each other, share advice, get input, tips & more by joining the Government Social Media network today. 

We support the largest network of government social media professionals in the U.S. by guiding government agencies through complex social media issues. Government Social Media helps you successfully communicate with the public you serve, protect your agency and keep public trust while finding your support community. 

Interested in submitting a blog for your socialgov community? Just reach out to Sarah with your topic idea!


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