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Professional association committee recruitment ends soon

Nov 01, 2021

Recruitment for GSM professional association committees ends soon — are you going to be a part? 

If you’re a Government Social Media professional association member looking to get involved in a big way, we encourage you to learn more details about each committee below and complete your committee application by Friday, November 5, 2021! 

Awards Committee

Co-chaired by Council Vice President & Midwest Region Representative Jessie Brown and Southeast Region Representative Chelsea Sawyer, this committee provides direction to maintain and grow an exceptional recognition program that empowers and celebrates work by individuals and agencies to elevate the socialgov profession. 

“The Awards Committee is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to the growth and future success of all government social media professionals. We have the unique ability to recognize the hard work of our fellow socialgovs and shine a light on their successes!” Chelsea said.

The Awards Committee generally involves more time commitment from January to March, as it involves judging and planning the Golden Post Awards ceremony, which honors outstanding use of social media by government agencies in the United States.

“Recognizing the skill, talent and experience it takes to maintain a stellar government social media presence through the Golden Post Awards is an excellent way to support our fellow socialgovs and elevate our profession,” Jessie said.

Membership Committee

Connecting government social media professionals is a crucial job of the Membership Committee. Led by Northeast Region Representative Emily Allen Lucht and West Region Representative Zach Whitney, this committee supports the professional association membership experience by providing insight to recruit and retain members, identify their needs, facilitate connections with each other and their regional representatives, while also elevating the profession and member accomplishments.

"The Membership Committee focuses on making the association the best it can be. This includes recruitment, fostering membership and providing a great network for all government communicators,” Zach said. “Serving on this committee will be an amazing opportunity to get to know other association members and help us continue to grow the best professional network in the industry."

Training Committee

Your committee co-chairs, Federal Region Representative Justin H.S. Breaux and Southwest Region Representative Kristen Waggener, will lead committee members to identify best practices and develop tools that ensure members gain the skills to confidently and effectively communicate their organization's messages.

“The Training Committee will play an integral part in ensuring that the Government Social Media professional association continues to be the most trusted place for government social media managers to come for training in their field,” Kristen said. “Training Committee members will assist in developing best practices for government agencies and identifying needed training opportunities that will continue to elevate the government social media profession. Being a part of the committee is a great opportunity to get involved in GSM and help set a professional path forward for fellow social media managers.”

Best communicate with the public you serve by becoming a part of the free Government Social Media network — only available to full/part-time employees of government or educational institutions. 

We support the largest network of government social media professionals in the U.S. by guiding government agencies through complex social media issues. Government Social Media helps you successfully communicate with the public you serve, protect your agency and keep public trust while finding your support community. 


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