SocialGov Blog

Twitter joins GSMCON2021!

Mar 04, 2021

Two Twitter representatives, Lauren Devoll and Tom Tarantino, are ready to e-meet you at this year’s virtual Government Social Media Conference, happening March 23-25.

"What can we say! We just couldn't miss this epic gathering of innovative government partners and communication professionals,” they said. “We're excited to share the latest from Twitter and learn from the...

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Still save on your GSMCON ticket! Regular registration extended.

Mar 01, 2021

Regular registration prices for the virtual Government Social Media Conference are extended through this Friday, March 5! Don’t miss out on getting engaged and connected with hundreds of your peers online for the only major social media conference in the U.S. for government agencies, happening March 23-25.

Register now to save $50 on your #GSMCON2021 ticket! Here’s how.

  • Regular...
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No boring virtual meetings: What virtual GSMCON looks like

Feb 25, 2021

We’re meeting you right where you are this year for the virtual Government Social Media Conference on March 23-25, 2021, to get you engaged and connected with hundreds of professionals across the country where it’ll feel just like we’re together in person. 

We’re obsessed with making this a virtual experience to remember – with music, emcees, special...

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Revisiting the Pandemic Playbook, One Year Later

Feb 23, 2021

Contributed blog by Warren Kagarise, Digital Engagement Manager, King County, WA

I find myself making the same dark joke over and over: I imagine we’re still living in March 2020 and add a digit for each passing day. Today is the 359th day of March 2020 .

In many ways, we never left last March behind. We absorbed the lessons of the pandemic and stumbled into new challenges — and a...

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Facebook & LinkedIn coming to GSMCON2021

Feb 22, 2021

Facebook and LinkedIn are joining us at this year’s virtual Government Social Media Conference, happening March 23-25.

Hear from Jannelle Watson, from Facebook’s Politics & Government Outreach Team, and Mountain View PD Chief Chris Hsiung as they take the virtual stage for a keynote to kickoff the second day of GSMCON. In this fireside chat, Jannelle and Chris are covering the...

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Meet over 25 speakers at GSMCON2021

Feb 17, 2021

Over 25 speakers are ready to e-meet you at the 2021 virtual Government Social Media Conference happening this March 23-25! At the only major social media conference in the United States for government agencies, these industry leaders & experts are leading impactful sessions geared towards all levels of government social media professionals. Meet these GSMCON2021 speakers:

Keynotes &...

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Free creative tools for socialgov

Feb 04, 2021

Looking for some new (and free!) creative tools & resources to up your socialgov game? Here’s a snapshot list of websites, apps and extensions that we’ve found useful, and you might, too. Use these resources to help you write better, find perfect pictures and create your creative — all crucial pieces of your government social media professional role.

Are you ready to...

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SocialGov Crisis Checklist

Jan 20, 2021

When a crisis hits, government social media professionals need to be ready. How your agency communicates with the public during this time obviously varies considering whether the emergency is global, national or directly involves your jurisdiction, but there are several evergreen best practices to keep in mind. Keep this checklist of reminders and resources handy.   

Check your...

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Why be a GSMCON2021 speaker?

Jan 19, 2021

 As an industry leader, expert or someone with a special topic or expertise to share, you won’t want to miss your chance to submit to our 2021 Government Social Media Conference Call for Speakers, open through Monday, Jan. 25, 2021. Here’s why you should be a speaker at virtual GSMCON2021:

1. Best place to share

Do you have something to share with your peers? This is the best...

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Save today on your GSMCON ticket! Early-bird ending soon.

Jan 14, 2021

Early-bird registration for the virtual 2021 Government Social Media Conference will close in just a few days! From March 23-25, join hundreds of your peers online for the only major social media conference in the U.S. for government agencies. 

Register before midnight PT Friday, Jan. 15 to save $50 on your ticket! Here’s how to register.

  • Early-Bird | Now-January 15, 2021 | General...
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