SocialGov Blog

Get inspired! Meet your S4SCON keynote speakers.

Aug 27, 2020

Are you ready to get to know your Social for Safety Conference keynote speakers more? These four industry experts can’t wait to e-meet you & strike your socialgov inspiration at this year’s conference, happening virtually Sept. 22-23, where they’re creating sessions specific to government social media professionals handling crises.

Being a keynote isn’t something you...

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GSMChat Recap: #SocialMedia employee guidelines in govt: Can they post that?!

Aug 21, 2020

Welcome back for this week’s very important Government Social Media Chat! So… what can govt employees post on social? Let’s help get each other tips & advice on this tough topic.

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Guess who’s speaking at S4SCON? Initial speakers announced!

Aug 18, 2020

Influential social media leaders and experts — including reps from Facebook, government agencies, private industry and more — are ready to e-meet you at this year’s virtual Social for Safety Conference!

They’re looking forward to connecting with you online on crucial government social media topics like:

  • Allyship
  • Accessibility
  • COVID-19 communications
  • Handling comments in...
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Doing the Work: How to Support Black Voices within Your Organization

Aug 10, 2020

In a matter of months, government PIOs all over the country felt more pressure than ever after COVID-19 replaced our sense of normalcy with a constant need to be on, added stress from the financial crisis and exposed racist practices in policing and healthcare, which made national headlines and led to the start of a cultural revolution during an election year. Whew. What a time. Especially for...

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GSMChat Recap: Keeping up with the Comments! Strategy help for overworked #SocialGov

Aug 07, 2020

Do you have comment overload? During this week’s Government Social Media Chat, we got together virtually to decompress and get some great advice on how to handle comments in, “Keeping up with the Comments! Strategy help for overworked #SocialGov.” Before we jumped in this week, we let everyone know about the Social for Safety Conference coming this September, virtually this...

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Be a speaker! Help guide your fellow peers at S4SCON.

Aug 05, 2020

The Call for Speakers for the virtual Social for Safety Conference is officially open! 

Are you a social media leader or industry expert and want to help your peers feel less overwhelmed by 2020? We’re searching for people just like you to submit proposals by Friday, August 14. All social media professionals in public safety, government agencies or private industry are welcome to...

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Virtual Social for Safety Conference Registration Open!

Aug 03, 2020

Many public communicators are overwhelmed by 2020’s difficult conversations, but you don’t have to face frustration alone. Get social media training to protect your agency, keep public trust & strengthen your outreach virtually at the second annual Social for Safety Conference, happening virtually over two days, September 22 & 23, 2020. 

Learn from industry experts and...

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Congrats! Golden Post Awards winners announced

Jul 30, 2020

Congratulations to the 2020 Golden Post Awards winners!

We’re proud of all finalists & entrants who submitted their agency’s best work, and especially excited to announce the winners of these 15 categories honoring outstanding use of social media by local and state government agencies in the United States. 

View the winners and watch the ceremony replays here. Congrats!


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GSMChat Recap: Find the Right Message: Tips for Words, Tone & Clarity

Jul 17, 2020

Words are important. It’s not only what you say, but how you say it. You need to carefully craft your messages with meaningful, clear words with the right tone. During this week’s Government Social Media Chat, we took a look at the best tips & resources for ensuring your messages are written well in, “Find the Right Message: Tips for Words, Tone & Clarity.”

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Plain Language in a Pandemic

Jul 06, 2020

Contributed blog post by Valerie Walston
Plain Language Editor and Trainer, Write On

If you didn’t know it before COVID-19, you know it now: people process information differently during a crisis. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in a crisis, people:

  • Don’t fully hear information because we can’t juggle multiple facts;
  • Can’t remember as...
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